Our Main Goal & PurPose
We strive to support families and show children God's love by caring for them.
Role Overviews
Sunday School Teacher/SupervisOr
We offer Sunday school for children ages 3 to grade 1 and grades 2 to 5. From July to August, our Sunday school program for ages 3 to grade 5 combines into a Junior Church program. If you’re interested in helping with any of these Sunday school classes or programs, please feel free to reach out! We’d be happy to chat and provide more details about what the role involves.
To volunteer with our children’s ministry, you must complete a vulnerable sector check and undergo Plan to Protect training before working with the children. We also seek individuals who truly care about children.
Kid's Nite Out Volunteer
Roseville Church also hosts a kids' program called "Kid’s Nite Out" once a week in the evening. It currently runs every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:45 PM, starting September 11th. The program features games, stories, crafts, activities, and snacks, providing many opportunities to support and engage with the children in ways that align with your strengths. Parts of the evening are more loosely structured, allowing for plenty of opportunities to connect with and support the children.
To volunteer with our children’s ministry, you must complete a vulnerable sector check and undergo Plan to Protect training before working with the children. We also seek individuals who truly care about children.
Contact Us
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to help our Children's Ministry, have any questions, or just want to have a conversation.