Leadership & Affiliations


Randy Magnus

Head Pastor

Randy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Religion and a Master's degree in Christian Ministry from Huntington University. He pastored a United Brethren congregation in Fort Erie for 10 years before becoming the Lead Pastor of Roseville Church in 1994. Randy has a strong passion for the Lord and for sharing the good news with everyone. His compassionate heart has made his presence highly valued during difficult times. Randy is married to Deb, and together they raised two sons and a daughter.

andrew Jolley

Associate Pastor

Andrew is the Associate Pastor at Roseville Church. He plays a significant role in pastoring the Youth, Young Adults, and Young Families. Andrew, his wife Jenn, and their three children joined us from St. Catharines in August 2015. They have been involved in youth ministries, small groups, campus ministries, and more. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Brock University and a Master’s in Theological Studies from Heritage Theological Seminary. He brings many gifts and abilities to our church and is always willing to chat with you about your spiritual journey.


United Brethren Church (UB Church)

UB Worldwide, UB Global & UB Canada

Roseville is part of the worldwide United Brethren Churches, an international organization. One of the ministries we work with is UB Global, supporting their missions in Southeast Asia. Additionally, we partner with and support UB churches in Haiti. Within the larger UB community, we are a member of the United Brethren Church of Canada and frequently collaborate on local and international projects. Explore more by visiting UB's web pages. 

Emmanuel Bible College & Huntington University

We have long-standing relationships with Emmanuel Bible College and Huntington University, post-secondary and post-graduate institutions affiliated with the United Brethren Churches. The UB Church in Canada offers scholarship funds to support those pursuing Christian education.